Atif Almani

Name Atif Almani
Scholarship Partial (Only Tuition Fees Coverage)
Period 2023-2026
University NUST SCEE
Amount Spent Rs. 242,775/-
Latest Transaction August 20, 2024
Status Ongoing


5th Semester Tuition Fees Paid

We paid 5th semester's tuition fees for him.

August 20, 2024

Amount: Rs. 88,375/-

Fees Challan

4th Semester Tuition Fees Paid

We paid 4th semester's tuition fees for him.

January 9, 2024

Amount: Rs. 77,200/-

Fees Challan

3rd Semester Tuition Fees Paid

We paid 3rd semester's tuition fees for him.

August 30, 2023

Amount: Rs. 77,200/-

Fees Challan

Agreements Signed

We visited his house in Hala New, met his father, and signed the legal agreements for the scholarship. We also honored them with the scholarship confirmation congralutory letter.

August 11, 2023

Nature Nature

Selected for Partial Scholarship

His case was verified and approved by committee, and he was selected for the tuition fees coverage scholarship for his remaining six semsters from 2023-2026 at NUST.

August 2, 2023

Applied in Scholarship

Filled the online registration form on the website.

July 26, 2023